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Katie’s motivational keynotes and business training programs have impacted thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners in industries such as entrepreneurship, marketing, financial services, home education, missions, church ministry, and more.

Let's make your next event a success!

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Katie’s been featured in:

  • "Your presentation at #FinCon was awesome."
    Carole S.
  • "This has been one of the best workshops I've ever attended!"
    Nina O.
  • "Katie Hornor ranks among the very best speakers I've ever encountered. Her passion and joy spilled over onto the attendees. They were enthralled by her knowledge and sincerity."
    Kate E.
  • "I loved your talk Katie. You're an excellent speaker and very passionate about your work."
    Sarah H.
  • "Your session was the best one of the entire conference!"
    Lawrence S.
  • In 10 min. you have successfully given me a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. I gleaned much more than I imagined I would... Keep speaking because He’s speaking through you. May you reach the hearts and souls of many through your podcast, for God has truly gifted you to do so.
  • "Katie Hornor is an amazing human being, an expert in her field and will bring so much value to your audience."
    Lisa Vanderkwaak
  • "Get to know Katie Hornor, She is a ROCKSTAR."
    Pete Vargas III
  • "I have attended several of Katie's trainings and they are amazing with so much attention to detail and fun mixed in with the great training."
    Myrna Buckles