The Christian Business Mastermind You've Been Looking For

The Open Door Mastermind is a group of business owners with a faith and family first work ethic who are committed to blending present significance with lasting legacy for the glory of God.

Have you participated in business trainings and masterminds but your soul felt something was missing?

Are you involved in secular trainings or groups that give great business advice, but don’t understand or honor your personal values?

Are you tired of the rat race of competition? Tired of success being defined only by profit margins and bank accounts?

Does your Christian circle or church not really “get” you? Do they struggle to support your business pursuits or fail to support them at all?

Do you dream of regular fellowship, equipping, and accountability with other believers who are also serious about business growth, geek out about marketing data, and are not ashamed to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the source of their strength?

Does any of this ring true for you?

  • You’ve participated in secular trainings and masterminds with great business advice but still felt something was missing.
  • You feel isolated as a believer with a growing business. 
  • You’re tired of the rat race of competition, tired of success being defined only by profit margins - you want impact too. 
  • No one in your current business circle understands your thirst to blend faith, family and business.
  • The mentors you follow are good at their craft, but terrible about being comfortable with their faith, much less bold, or maybe they have no true faith at all.

If any of this describes you and you are a believer running a business or ministry doing multiple six figures a year, you might be a right fit for the Christian Business Mastermind we're putting together.

It’s not a course or program, it’s a true meeting of the minds for mutual information and experience sharing and edification.

 “Isolation is the enemy of excellence.” -Aaron Walker

We've been feeling that isolation and believe others are too, And we believe that intentional discipleship is the pattern of victory. Let’s sharpen each other for the work of the kingdom and the glory of God. 

It’s with great pleasure that we would like to announce and invite you to the Open Door Mastermind. 🙂

A bit of history...

Katie: In 2014, I (Katie) created a Mastermind (now the Queens Mastermind) because I felt a personal need to have regular communion with other believers who were serious about business growth and would push me to be accountable and to grow myself as a business owner as well. 

Long story short… I had 5 people join me in the first mastermind (2 of whom are still there), and in the last year that group has exceeded even my wildly optimistic vision. (And that’s not just my opinion, it’s likely that you know some of the people in the group… just ask them how it’s been.)

We're nearly a decade into our Queens Mastermind program, and we've been improving it from the very beginning. The number of changes and innovations we’ve made in that time is too long to list (even if we could remember all of them!).

Much of that up-leveling has been because our members have been getting such amazing results... and I’m just trying to stay one step ahead of them!

It worked!

The mastermind DID push me, and in order to keep leading the group higher I’ve been pushed to grow even more…

And that’s how I find myself once again in the process of putting together a mastermind, for myself and, for the people who are at the upper boundary of the Queens Mastermind levels, and possibly for you too. 

And since this is the first mastermind I’ve started in eight years, I've asked Connie Buskohl, CPA, Christian Mentor and 40+ year business veteran to co-host it with me.

Connie: As a second generation CPA, I have been able to work with all types and stages of businesses from the very beginning of my career. My experience extends beyond the tax desk to be able to walk career professionals, pastors and ministry leaders through financial planning and through big life changes with the heart and wisdom of a Christian Mentor steeped in Scripture.

I also own a creative business (Let's Paint Runaways) where I use painting classes to create an atmosphere of praise and worship as a tool to share Jesus with my students around the world.

From our Hearts:

We believe it's absolutely necessary to have the right people in the room for this mastermind, so we're going to take a bit of time to explain it here...

If you’re more of a newbie to business, then this isn’t for you (at least not yet), so feel free to ignore it.

However, if you’re a person of faith who owns/runs a business or ministry that grossed $2-300k or more  in 2021, this just might be for you.

First a warning… there is an investment for the Mastermind, a commitment fee if you will that allows you the opportunity to be "in the room" with other Christian Business leaders of the day, to teach and to learn from each other, and we'll get to that later. But please understand that it’s not for everyone, space is limited, and because we want committed folks, it isn’t going to be cheap.

And also, we’re hand selecting those who get invited. Those we feel are authentically living their faith in the marketplace while being on the cutting edge of their industries and leaders in their space. That’s you!

If God Did it Once, He CAN Do It Again

Starting with the first year of my original mastermind I (Katie) would invest in myself each year to level up as a leader, marketer, business owner, friend - so I could continue to guide them well and orchestrate meetings and experiences that would push them to new growth. 

I invested my own time and money learning from giants in the industry who are now near household names and charge thousands per hour for their expertise, I’ve spoken on some of their stages and I’ve worked events for some of the largest events in the industry… 

within 24 months of joining a higher level mastermind myself, my business grew x5!

And with all that's happening in the world right now...

I’ve been feeling that there is a growing urgency to gather like-minded business owners together at a higher level for communion, fellowship, encouragement and the iron sharpening iron business conversations that can only happen in a group that is not ashamed to acknowledge Jesus as Christ, and God as the Sovereign of the world and the Owner of our businesses. 

I believe I can't be the only one feeling the need for solid communities that breed courage, exude the love of Christ and impart wisdom as we continue to shine God's light to the world through our businesses.

The Holy Spirit began to speak into my spirit “If God did it once, Why couldn’t he do it again?” and the answer is, He can!

At the same time, God was already pushing Connie to position herself online as a Christian mentor in order to offer communities that would strengthen believers during the pandemic, which is how He brought the two of us together. We've been able to grow together in life and business in a community setting for the last two years, recognizing that God's brought us together for just this need at just this time.

When I approached Connie about co-hosting with me, she was thrilled to join also recognizing through her 40+ years of working with pastors, ministry and business leaders during stressful tax seasons that now more than ever there is a need for quality Christian fellowship, mentorship and support among believers in business.

Based on those experiences … and a solid model learned from our mentors, it’s very clear to us that we have all the ingredients to create another amazing Christian Business mastermind group for higher level business owners. 

And so next came the question: “If you could put together a mastermind of anyone you wanted in the room, who would be there?”

YOU and the other men and women God has put on our invitation list have the values, talent, brains, passion, faith, AND they understand the importance of integrity, vulnerability and blending faith with life and business  – we’re ready for the Open Door Mastermind.

And we absolutely know that it’s going to have that same level of connection, heart, service, leadership, and business genius that we have enjoyed in Queens.

Bottom line: we're very excited to facilitate this new mastermind of Christian professionals, and it’s going to be even more amazing than rock candy in your coffee. 🙂

What to Expect

This is NOT going to be another boring zoom call to put on your weekly calendar.We’re all busy business owners, blending our lives, families and ministries with the work we’re called to do - we don't need someone else's process or method to learn.

but we DO need regular accountability and sharpening by others who understand first hand the unique challenges and pressures of doing life and work as worship in this way.

This will be a true roundtable type of mastermind, where we will meet virtually twice each month to work together to build each other’s businesses and lives.

Our hope is to eventually add in in real life meetings, but for the first year we'll stay virtual.

The meetings will be led by Connie and Katie, with hot seats, presentations and discussions with everyone participating. You'll have opportunities to both give and receive from the group, as well as casual conversation times to get to know one another better.

We will be leading the group personally, as facilitators, but don’t expect us to sit in front of the room and lecture. All members will be working together – a mastermind is a meeting of minds for a single purpose

In this case, that purpose is to glorify God by helping each other build amazing businesses that create amazing lives and legacies without compromising our faith or our families.

We’ll also have a messaging discussion group and a social messaging group so that members can be in touch daily (or as often as you wish) in between the meetings.

This is not about learning a particular process. 

It’s certainly not about Katie teaching around her expertise of online courses and high ticket offers, or Connie teaching on taxes and financial planning - that’s not the desired goal at all - though we do expect each of us to teach what we know for the good of the group at some point… 

The Open Door Mastermind is about regular fellowship, equipping and accountability with other believers who are also at the top of the fields, so that we can all go back into the mission fields of our marketplace strengthened in the Spirit and better equipped to stand strong for the Lord, and do the work He's called Us to do.

It’s about doing faith, life and business together similar to many higher level secular groups but with the foundation of Bible truth, and the fellowship of the Spirit as our bond rather than a certain human or method of business.

This is exactly how our secular business mentors have run their masterminds for 10+ years… it’s a proven model. And when combined with a foundation of faith, we don’t see how it can’t yield incredible growth and results for all who choose to participate.

What's Involved?

8-16 people per group

To cultivate trust and strong connections between members we will limit the group sizes of 8-16 including the facilitator. We expect these small groups to create life-long friendships and achieve high levels of mutual respect and support in business, faith and life. 

In Person Meetings

We hope to enhance the mastermind experience by adding in  IRL mastermind retreats in our second year. 

2 XS/month virtual meetings

Studies show that those who are committed to regular meetings will establish relationships with the others in the group that will give safety and support long term.

Who is This For?

This mastermind is not for everyone.

In fact it’s only open by application and then invitation.

And there are only 14 seats in the group (+ Katie and Connie). If we get more interest we'll create a wait list and consider opening a second group.

That might sound like marketing copy, but in this case the limit is very true.

The first 8 to join will be invited at a special founders investment rate.

The Open Door Mastermind is a group of business owners with a faith and family first work ethic who are committed to blending present significance with lasting legacy for the glory of God.

We expect it to be something you'll want to remain a part of for years to come, and the group chemistry must be well designed.

This is for you if…

  • Your business/ministry revenues are $2-300k/yr +.... We believe money is a tool and a speedometer … so this is not a value statement in any way, but to fit in this fast-moving group your business should probably be close to $300k or more in annual revenue.  There will likely be exceptions, but that’s a general guideline.
  • You have a desire to grow... either in terms of the size of your business, how you show up in the world, the impact of your business, or your ability to get the same results with less work.
  • You have a personal relationship with the God of the Bible...  We live IN the universe and serve the God who created the universe. You were created to have dominion over all that’s in the universe. You need to be a person whose personal faith aligns with the truths of God’s Word in regards to that and all other areas of life… and we’ll ask for your faith statement on the application. This mastermind does not ascribe to a particular denomination or religion and we won't waste time dividing ourselves over Bible versions or political views. The people in this mastermind care about truth and about loving as God loves. We do life and work "as worship", based on Bible-based business and life principles applied in a God-honoring way and we show fruit of a personal relationship with the Creator-God in our lives.  This shared foundation is necessary among our members to create a strong and caring culture. 
  • You are a strong contributing member to your  local community. And we'll expect you to continue in that leadership role.
  • You want to be a founding member of what may be one of the most influential Christian Business groups of our generation.
  • You are willing to choose commitment over convenience and make the time a priority. Something like this is never convenient AND it is always worth it. 
  • And there’s no politically correct way to say this – but you also have to be someone that we will enjoy spending time with and learning from.

This is NOT for you if…

  • You would compromise on values or integrity to make a few more dollars in the moment
  • You already know it all
  • You want someone to tell you what to do, or you’d rather not think for yourself
  • You are a wallflower and do not engage (you will get out of this experience in accordance with what you put in)
  • You sit on zoom meetings and never speak up (your voice and experience IS valuable and necessary to grow together)
  • You won’t turn on your camera on zoom (we need face to face time to KNOW each other)
  • You're not willing to share your experience/advice from business for the benefit of another in a group setting
  • You are not willing to make the meetings a priority (studies of masterminds show that those who don’t participate in the meetings and IRL retreats rarely make connections/bond in a meaningful way with the other members of the group)

  • When are the Meetings?


2nd Wednesday monthly 8-9:30 am Central US Time

4th Wednesday monthly 8-9:30 am Central US Time

The Track Record?

The results you get will be directly related to the effort you put in - but I know you know that already. 

I know I don’t need to “sell” you on the benefits of masterminding… but I want to share some stats, just because I can. And because it’s fun to say “these results are typical” of the group I (Katie) have led to date…

For our lower ticket mastermind “Queens”… 40% of the people who joined 8 years ago are still in the group. Once people join… if they make it through the first year and are invited back… The AVERAGE tenure in the group has been three years, with 75% renewals still at the 3 year mark. The renewal rate for the last 8 years has been between 80-100%.

As far as I know, there are very few groups in the industry that have those types of numbers with that type of longevity.  And even fewer faith-based groups. For a frame of reference, Internet Alchemy reports that most groups in the industry are closer to a 40% renewal.

The business values represented have also grown.  A few of our members have graduated out doing well over six figures a year 10x-ing the annual starting revenue of members 8 years ago. 

As a higher level group, we expect the Open Door Mastermind participants to see even higher levels of growth.

Of course, monetary results are just the tip of the iceberg. Greater impact, improved health, more peace of mind, greater clarity and confidence … those are some of the less measurable things people have found in my mastermind.

But of course, life (and business) isn’t always a bed of roses. We’ve had members go through incredible challenges in their lives… personal, professional, health, mental health… and I feel privileged to witness the support those people have gotten from within Queens. Let’s just say it’s great to have a “family of choice” that will be there for you in those times.

Now I can’t guarantee that all of that will happen with the Open Door Mastermind, but in many ways this group will be much further ahead when we begin because of the level of connection we already have as brothers and sisters in Christ.

If This Isn’t for You...

If this mastermind isn’t your cup of tea, or if you don’t qualify yet… please know that the Open Door Mastermind just reflects our commitment to continued personal improvement and service to those we’re called to serve. 

The knowledge and growth that the members of the mastermind experience will feed DIRECTLY back into their businesses and spheres of influence.  The strategic byproducts for those communities are going to be big. So even if you’re not a fit for the mastermind right now, we appreciate you, we celebrate what you’re doing in the Kingdom and welcome you to apply to the experience in the future.

Apply Now!

Fine Print

Here’s all the details and fine print in one place… and we're not going to candy coat any of it…

  • The mastermind will be a total investment of $12,000 per year in the future. However, for the first 8 Founding members, the pay in full investment is just $2,000 per year. And pay in full (PIF) members receive a bonus SOS call with either Katie or Connie to use at any point in the year.
  • If you choose the installment plan it is a $200 initial deposit + $200 per month for 11 more months.
  • 30% of member fees will be given to charity and each member will be encouraged to nominate, make the case for and vote on where that money goes. Together we can make a greater impact and open more doors than we can alone.
  • It is a 1 year commitment.
  • The investment amount will definitely go up after the first 8 members. If you join us now you can lock in your rate here and it will not change. Though there may be a nominal event fee if we decide to add in person retreats in the future.
  • Life is uncertain, but we're looking for people who expect to be in the mastermind for years to come.
  • That being said… if you make it in the group, you have to earn your way back each year.
  • One of the things that made Katie's original mastermind better each year, if it turned out someone wasn’t a fit for the group, then she lovingly “graduated” them out when it came time for renewals. It wasn’t fun, but she did it in order to serve the group. And it’s one of the things that has made the group great.
  • If you don’t make it in the first year, you can re-apply next year. We have people that have wanted to be in Queens for years.
  • We're going to keep the groups small. A minimum of 6 people, maximum of 16 people. And we may have more than one group. It all depends on who applies – we're looking to create a high quality group right from the start, and we're not going to make any compromises.
  • The overall number of groups will likely grow in size in the future. We don’t know what the upper limit on group size or investment will be. You will meet with your core group in between in-person events twice each month and will have some core group times at the in-person events where all groups together for the 2 days experience.
  • We’ll have 2 virtual meetings per month, and Connie or Katie will lead them. They happen the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month 8-9:30am central time, so you can keep it on your calendar as a regular appointment.
  • This group is a mastermind, it’s not a coaching program. While we may occasionally pull people aside for some coaching (if we see they’ve got a blind spot), that’s not the focus of the group – and it won’t be the focus of the Open Door Mastermind.
  • In this mastermind, it’s about all of us working together to build each other’s businesses, faith walk and lives.
  • We’ll have a Telegram group for masterminding between meetings. For our other groups, the message threads have been the glue that holds the group together… and it’s a very active conversation. We’ll also have a Telegram social messaging group. This is something we’ve been doing in the mastermind for a few years. In general the mastermind group is where the heavy lifting happens – it’s the place for in depth conversations. And the social group is more social – it’s about keeping up with each other.
  • You’ll be expected to bring learnings, best practices, and debriefs to the group meetings.
  • There will be a significant focus on giving of your knowledge to the group. We give first, then ask. And there will be hot seats - asking what you need from the group.
  • This group is not defined by any specific type of business or method. Yes, we’ll talk about courses, coaching programs, launching products and programs, marketing your products/services/ministries in the online space… but the focus is on building a life and business that glorifies God and leaves a legacy of honor. The agenda will alway focus on what’s top of mind for the group.
  • To go a little further… I am absolutely sure that this group will NOT be just about business. It’s about growing our lives together… amidst all our messy human-ness. To be comfortable in this group you need to be comfortable being willing to be vulnerable, willing to voice what you need, willing to step outside of “it’s just business”
  • We're calling this the “Open Door Mastermind” to reflect the idea of of the open door opportunities we have to shine our light to the world. I'd encourage  you to do a Scripture search for "Open Door" and read through all the passages asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what the Open Door meaning may be for you, this year, for such a time as this, just as he has for us.
  • Business/marriage partners need to apply (and be accepted) separately. There is no “partner pricing”.
  • If selected, you will be asked to sign a member agreement and a non-disclosure agreement. We honor the privacy and trust built in the mastermind. We expect members to feel safe to share whatever needs to be shared to get help and take their next step, and nothing shared in our group/meetings will be shared outside without express permission of the person. Doing otherwise is grounds for immediate removal from the mastermind without refund.
  • Mastermind fees cover the mastermind access and activities. If/when we add in person events, you'll additionally be responsible for a nominal retreat fee + your own travel, lodging, meals etc. 
  • There will be a rigorous selection process… and it starts with an application. The selection process will likely take several weeks. It's a Holy Spirit process, and you’ll need to be patient.
  • If you think you could be a fit, you’re ready to jump in and be fully present, and if the price tag isn’t a problem for you in any way… then please submit your name and email below to fill out the application on the following page. 
  • Finally, time is a factor. Space is limited, and we are looking to get this rolling this month. Our first meeting is coming up soon. If you are interested, get your application in right away!

Founders Investment



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Next Steps...

That’s it. We're super-excited about this mastermind… and we absolutely know we’re going to create something amazing together. This invitation is the start of what will literally become hundreds of millions of dollars of business, thousands of people impacted, amazing family memories, incredible stories of God working and generational legacy impact.

If you want to be part of this group, and you think you’re a fit (even an “unorthodox” fit), we would love to see an application from you. 

If now isn’t the time for you for any reason, please know that we and our entire team and look forward to continuing to serve you.

If you’re interested, there’s no big call to action. No “add to cart” button. 

Just submit your name and email below to fill out the application on the following page.

Kindest regards, 

Katie Hornor and Connie Buskohl

    Here’s what people are saying about Katie & Connie:

    open door mm founders
    A Biblical Business Model

    Katie Hornor ministered to me much more authentically than anything I'd received in years.
    She taught me to question everything with:
    >What is the truth?
    >What does God say about Himself?
    >What does God say about me?
    I also learned that God is not my business partner and not my CEO. Instead He owns my business. I go to Him for advice & business decisions. When I don't, Katie reminds me to check in with Him.

    myrna buckles, KATIE'S mastermind

    Our Dream Goal Happened b/c of the Mastermind

    The Queens Mastermind has been an amazing experience. Since I've been a participant I've grown to be the main income provider for our family and we moved across the country to our dream home. Katie is super dedicated and always there to lend support and redirect us when we get off track. My favorite part has been the close knit group of women there to cheer you on, keep you accountable, and help you figure it out when you get stuck.

    jennifer elia, KATIE'S mastermind

    Applicable Teachings for the Christian Life

    I am so grateful for all God's teaching me about who I am and how he's bringing to life the creative abilities he planted in me so long ago. Thank you for the Deeper Walk class, Connie, and all you've taught me about walking with him instead of being a wall flower. 

    Lisha Nation, Connie's Deeper Walk Student

    Doing Business WITH God is so Different

    Katie helped me see that doing business FOR God was not the same as doing business WITH God. I am so grateful for the Queens Mastermind retreats that speak deeply to the stuck places I am overcoming, even as I coach my own people through theirs.

    kathy burrus, Katie's mastermind

    Inspirational Bible Teacher

    Ahhhh, so rewarding to paint...Last evening was very special because we had devotional painting with inspired singing and the devotion was that the Lord can still use broken vessels to hold living water. Thank you for the beautiful, timely Bible inspirations you find for us to teach us, Connie. I am always amazed by the fun we can have in this community. And we end up with our own take on what the inspiration photo is.

    Cathy Caring, Connie's Let's Paint student

    CPA and Then Some

    Connie, every time I come to see you I know you will solve my tax problem but I get excited about the conversation I know the Lord will lead when we are together. I have always called you the CPA+. The Lord using you as a Christian mentor is just labeling the "plus."

    Bob brown, Connie's CPA client

    Have other Questions?

    Please email katiehornor at gmail. com with your questions

    or to set up a time to chat about the mastermind opportunity.

    ©2022 Open Door Mastermind | Round Door Inc., Sioux Falls, SD | Privacy Policy