How Intentional Praise Can Transform Your Heart and Home
They say there are three things of utmost importance to human beings: health, love and money. And that the lack of one of those things is enough to throw your life into a storm.
They also say that most marriages face only one major crisis, but if it comes early in your marriage, you may have another.
While these sayings may or may not be true, Katie Hornor has had at least one crisis in each of those three areas. And as she's learned to praise the Lord for his goodness both in and out of the storms, she's began to see a pattern.
Praise brought healing where there would have been anger and bitterness.
Healing allowed her to share her story with others, giving them hope for God s healing in their lives as well.
Praise, Healing and Hope. Regardless of your story, There is only One who can heal your heart, teach you to praise and transform your heart and home. You will find Him, and the power of his Truth presented in every page of this riveting best selling 4-week Bible study based on her popular e-course Intentional Praise: The Key to a Happy Home.
Over the last several months I've had email after email from friends and readers who have been touched and transformed by the Truths shared in the e-course.
In Spite of Myself is a deeper dive to help your heart take every thought captive, help your thinking take an upward swing and ultimately help your attitudes, heart and home be transformed!
Praise for In Spite of Myself by Katie Hornor
“I am loving the devotional In Spite of Myself. It is just what I need to be reminded of right now in so many of the circumstances in my life – to intentionally praise God. It is really helpful how after you tell your story each day, you then write, “In that moment I had a choice.” I have been reminding myself that when an inconvenience or disappointment happens, I ask, “Right now I have a choice. Will I praise God instead of give in to emotions?” Thank you so much!” – Justina

#IChoosePraise Guest Posts and Reviews:
Grateful Prayer, Thankful Heart: In Spite of Myself Book Review
Prairie Dust Trail: In Spite of Myself Book Review
Healthy Spirituality: Choose Praise Book Review
Smart Moms Smart Ideas: Choosing Praise Book Review
In Her Shoes: The Choice to Praise When Inconvenienced