Bienvenido - Welcome
Estamos encantados de darle la bienvenida a Campeche. Le deseamos una maravillosa estancia. En esta página encontrará información sobre restaurantes y lugares de interés en Campeche. Por favor, si tiene alguna duda, pregunte en recepción. Gracias.
We are delighted to welcome you to Campeche and we wish you a wonderful stay. On this page you will find information on restaurants and places of interest in Campeche. If you have any questions, please ask at reception. Thank you.
Información - Information
Puedes comunicarse con nosotros por WhatsApp en
You can reach your hosts via WhatsApp at
Piscina - Pool
- No Clavarse/ No Diving
- No Orinar/No Peeing
- No nadar solo/ No Swimming alone
- Despues de las 10PM no hacer ruido/ After 10pm please swim quietly
Bicicletas - Bicycles
Reservar el uso de las bicicletas por medio de WhatsApp a 981-129-7001.
Reserve the bicycles by messaging us via WhatsApp at 981-129-7001.
Conductor Privado - Private Driver
¡Hagan sus propos tours! Podemos conectarle con un chofer para que experimente Campeche y sus alrededores.
Create your own tour! We can arrange a driver for you to experience Campeche and the surrounding area.
Transferencia de Aeropuerto - Airport Transfer
Podemos conectarle con un chofer si necesita un traslado al aeropuerto de Campeche o Merida.
We can arrange a driver for your airport transfer to Campeche or Merida.
Historia de La Casa Rosal
La Casa Rosal es un monumento histórico oficial. En 1774, se mandó crear el primer mapa de la ciudad de San Francisco de Campeche. La Casa Rosal fue incluida en este record completo con sus bardas y paredes de la propiedad. Es la fecha mas antigua que sabemos, pero la casa pudiera haber existido o 2 o 102 años antes. No sabemos la fecha exacta de la fundación de la casa.
La leyenda Campechana dice que en esta esquina habitaba una senora que cultivaba rosas en su solar y era famosa por el cuidado que le profesaba. Cuando nombraron las esquinas (mucho antes de dar numeros a las calles) se nombro asi por ella.
La Casa Rosal es la unica casa en esta esquina que tiene fachada de color rojo, y por fotografias historicas sabemos que era rojo por mucho de su pasado. Ella todavia tiene cuatro de sus pisos originales de mosaicos de pasta. La de la cocina y recamera prinicpal tenian que ser remplazado por el daño que recibieron durante los anos no habitados. Pero cada piso demuestra un diseño diferente de rosas, todas muy elegantes.
En el baño público re-usaron algunos de la recamera principal que podian salvar y alrededor del aljibe en el patio se puede ver todavia el diseño de los mosaicos originales de la cocina.
Hay solo una fabrica que existe todavia en el Yucatán creando los mosaicos de pasta en la tradicion antigua. Fueron hasta Mérida a conseguir la ayuda del Mosaicos Peninsulares para terminar los pisos. El no tenia el diseno de unas piezas de la recamara principal en su biblioteca y podían proporcionarlo con las muestras que salvaron para que otros pueden usar el diseño en algun futuro.
En 2016, la familia Hornor compró La Casa Rosal del nieto de los habitantes anteriores. Los techos de la lavandería y el baño se habían derrumbado, los jardines estaban cubiertos de maleza y descuidados y la casa principal tenía muchas goteras en el techo. Descubrieron cuevas debajo del jardín trasero donde los que construían la casa en los 1700s excavaron materiales de construcción en la propiedad misma. Ahora están cerrados como parte del sistema de alcantarillado. Los Hornor han estado restaurando gradualmente la casa a su antigua gloria inspirándose en sus visitas a muchas de las haciendas locales que han sido restauradas. En 2021 se hospedaron la primera boda en La Casa Rosal, se terminó el primer apartamento vacacional en la parte trasera, y en 2022 se añadió la piscina y el garaje.
La Casa Rosal is an official historical monument. In 1774, the first map of the city of San Francisco de Campeche was created. La Casa Rosal was included in this record complete with its fences and property walls. It is the oldest date we know, but the house could have existed anywhere from 2 to 102 years earlier. We do not know the exact date of the foundation of the house.
Campeche legend says that in this corner lived a lady who grew roses (most likely Flor de Mayo, not the traditional rose) on her lot and was famous for the care she professed for them. When they named the corners (long before giving numbers to the streets) it was named after her.
La Casa Rosal is the only house on this corner that has a red facade, and from historical photographs we know that it was red for much of its past. She still has four of her original "pasta" mosaic tile floors, each one demonstrating a different design of roses, all very elegant. The kitchen and master bedroom floors had to be replaced due to the damage they received during the uninhabited years, but we've kept them in the rose theme.
You can see some of the original master bedroom tiles that could be saved in the public restroom of the main house, and around the aljibe (cistern) in the patio you can still see the design of the mosaics from the kitchen which were a "newer" design more than likely from an update to that room in the early 1900s when that style became popular.
There is only one factory that still exists in the Yucatán to create the mosaic "pasta" tiles in the historic tradition. We had to go to Mérida and get help from Mosaicos Peninsulares to finish the flooring. With the samples saved from the master bedroom border tiles they were able to create a mold and preserve the design so that others can use the it in the future.
In 2016, the Hornor Family purchased La Casa Rosal from the Mexico City based grandson of the previous inhabitants. The laundry and bathroom roofs had fallen in, the gardens were overgrown and unkempt and the main house had many leaks in the roof. They discovered caves underneath the back yard where builders had dug out building materials on the property itself in the 1700s rather than bringing them from far away. The caves are now securely closed off as part of the sewer system.
The Hornors have been gradually restoring the home to it's former glory taking inspiration from their visits to many of the local restored haciendas in the surrounding area. In 2021, La Casa Rosal hosted it's first wedding event, and the first vacation apartment was finished at the back of the property. In 2022, the pool and garage were added.
“In the future, when your descendants ask their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them... The Lord your God...did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God.” - Joshua 4:21-24
un humilde principio - Humble Beginnings
Ha sido un proyecto familiar de amor desde el principio. Este es el baño de principios de 1920 que se había agregado a la casa y se estaba cayendo cuando lo compramos en 2016. Afortunadamente, los techos de 14 pies en las habitaciones delanteras y medias se han mantenido bien. Todavía se pueden ver los pomos de cerámica originales en algunas de las vigas donde hubo que instalar los primeros cables eléctricos (c. 1900) de forma que no tocaran la madera por miedo a que se incendiara.
It's been a family project of love since the beginning. This is the early 1920's bathroom that had been added to the house and was falling in when we purchased it in 2016. Thankfully the 14 foot ceilings in the front and middle rooms have been well maintained. You can still see the original ceramic knobs on some of the timbers where the first electric wires had to be installed (c. 1900) in a way that would not touch the wood, for fear of catching it on fire.
Pisos y fundamentos - Floors and foundations
Los muros de la casa son de piedra de 2 pies de espesor sobre cimientos sólidos. Sin embargo, los mosaicos originales se colocaron firmemente sobre tierra compactada. El dormitorio principal y la cocina sufrieron tantos daños que no se pudieron salvar y hubo que retirarlos, colocar una barrera de vapor y luego un piso de concreto adecuado y, finalmente, se hicieron nuevos mosaicos en la tradición de los originales. La recamara principal ahora tiene una rosa de los vientos en azul, y la cocina trae una cinefa de rosas amarillas en el mismo borde que el comedor, con acentos azules que recuerdan a la cerámica mexicana de Talavera.
The walls of the house are 2 ft thick stone on solid foundations. However, the original tiles were tightly laid right over packed dirt. The master bedroom and kitchen had so much damage there were not salvageable and had to be taken up, a vapor barrier laid and then a proper concrete floor and finally new tiles made in the tradition of the originals. The master bedroom now has a blue compass rose floor, and the kitchen boasts a border of yellow roses in the same design as the dining room, with blue accents reminiscent of the Mexican Talavera pottery.
Lo Que Dicen - What Guests Say
I loved being a guest in your apartment. The furnishings, colors and textures added a great flavor. And the hot water in the shower was a fantastic treat!
Myrna Buckles
It such a lovely place. You've done a great job finishing this for guests.
Tap Hornor, Sr.
Sinaloa, Mexico
The pool is amazing! So refreshing.
Angela Tut
Campeche, Mexico
Eventos - Event Venue
En 2021, La Casa Rosal acogió su primera boda. Los espacios exteriores o interiores pueden albergar grupos de hasta 50 personas.
In 2021, La Casa Rosal hosted it's first wedding. The outdoor or indoor spaces can host groups of up to 50 people.
Lugares Recomendados
Places We Recommend
Restaurantes / Restaurants:
- Los Portales - By the San Martin Park. Local cuisine. Eat in or to go. Closed Tuesday.
- Gladiatori - Italian cuisine on Calle 10-B.
- La Paroquia - Just around the corner from the Cathedral. Until the pandemic this restaurant was open 24 hours a day for over 50 years. Local cuisine. Eat in or to go.
- Los Jarochos Tacos - Just behind the Iglesia de San Roman. Beef and pork tacos. Eat in or to go. Closed Monday.
- Hacienda La Puerta Hotel and Restaurant. Upscale local cuisine.
- Modesto's Pizza - Mexican homemade pizza.
- La Brocha Helados - Water and milk based ice cream, made local with local ingredients. Across the street from the Iglesia de San Roman.
- Calle 59 - walk the street running through the heart of the city from the Sea Gate to the Land Gate, there are numerous restaurants and shops on this street.
Otros Lugares / Other Place of Interest:
- 4km from the Campeche (CPE) international airport
- 150 km from the Merida (MID), Yucatan International airport
- 10 min from the walled city of Campeche and her 6 museums
- 10 min from the Campeche Botanical Gardens (it's small)
- 10 min from the Fuerte de San Jose, Arms museum
- 20 min from the Fuerte de San Miguel, Mayan museum
- 10 min from the main Cathedral Square (Free light and sound show weekends at dusk)
- 10 min from Casa 6 - Governor's house turned museum on the city square facing the Cathedral
- 10 min from the city center and shopping/restaurants on Calle 59
- 10 min from the Fuentes/Fountains on the Malecón (Free light and sound show weekends at dusk)
- 5 min from the local food/goods outdoor market
- 5 min from Chedraui - super center
- 5 min from the Malecón, a 10 km boardwalk along the coast w/ statues and exercise parks
- 5 min from the Convention Center: Centro de Convenciones y Exposiciones Campeche XXI
- 5 min from Wal-Mart super center
- 5 min from Sams Club and Home Depot
- 10 min from the Galerías Mall and Starbucks
© 2025 I La Casa Rosal